Our Parish Secretary, Mrs. Deborah Kuni, will make sure you receive our newsletters and other important information about the Parish of St Ann's. And, we'd like to have a bit of information about you. You may print out the New Parishioner Registration Form. You may return the completed form by stopping into the office, mailing it back, placing it in the collection basket at Mass, or scanning the completed form in and sending it to us at our email address: stannlenox@verizon.net
On behalf of all of our parishioners I'd like to welcome you to St. Ann's Parish. We have many organizations and programs for members of all ages. Our parish staff can help you learn more about St. Ann's and it's many activities. All you need to do is call or stop in and visit at our offices just next door to the church. just next door to the church. Welcome and God Bless you.
Monsignor John Bonzagni